Ear Wax Removal

Ear Wax Removal In Clinic *New Service*
I am pleased that we are now able to offer a comprehensive new service of hearing care. Working in partnership with Brighton Consulting Rooms, we will initially be there every week from the 23rd of April offering our ear wax removal service and consultations. You can book online, via email or call us on 01273 071687 for more information.
We offer gentle and safe ear cleaning and earwax removal. Using either Micro-Suction or Irrigation we will assess which method is most appropriate and advise you accordingly at the consultation.
Safe and Effective
In some cases, you may have to use a softening agent for a few days before we can comfortably remove the wax blockage from your ear canal.
If you have any concerns or questions about this procedure, please give us a call today.
What Causes Ear Wax Build-up?
Earwax (cerumen) is a mixture of oils, skin and sweat which is secreted from glands inside the ear for the purpose of catching dust and other foreign particles before they can reach the eardrum. Generally, the wax dries up and falls out of the ear on its own. However, sometimes that process is interrupted, and you may suffer from earwax blockage, which can be a common problem for people with hearing aids
The Symptoms of Blocked Ear Caused by Ear Wax
If you are suffering from earwax blockage, you might experience the following symptoms:
- Earaches
- A sense of being "blocked" in the ear
- Persistent ringing (tinnitus)
- Itching
This would be uncomfortable for anyone, but especially so for patients fitted with a hearing aid. It can be quite a hassle to have to choose between being able to hear more effectively and feeling some relief throughout the day.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ear Wax Removal
Here are some commonly asked questions about ear wax and its removal.
Q. Why do we produce ear wax?
A. Ear wax is not a bad thing, it acts as a natural anti-bacterial substance, insect repellent and catches dust and debris. A small amount of ear wax is actually beneficial.
Q. Why should we not clean our ears?
A. The ears naturally clean themselves using the migratory process. Skin grows from the Tympanic membrane (eardrum) outward and as it does, it carries along debris and excessive wax.
Q. Why do some people produce more wax than others?
A. There can be both hereditary and environmental factors. For example working in hot, dusty environments can cause overproduction of ear wax. Sometimes as we age, we produce more.
Q. Why is it not a good idea for people to try and remove wax themselves and put objects in their ears?
A. Putting things in your ears like cotton buds can interfere with the ears natural cleaning process and you end up packing wax further down the ear canal. Eventually, more wax just builds up and you are left with a blockage. If you push it deep enough, it becomes impacted against the eardrum making it harder to remove.
Q. What techniques do you use for safe, gentle and effective ear wax removal?
A. We use a unique combination of techniques that have been developed over numerous years of practice. The methods are tailored to the individual's needs. Where possible we have a preference for using the “dry” and gentle micro-suctioning technique. This is especially necessary for people with perforations.
Q. How often would you recommend a hearing aid user visit to have their ears checked and ear wax removed?
A. Ear wax build up varies from person to person, but to ensure optimal ear canal health and hearing aid function, you should have your ears looked at every six to twelve months. People with rapid wax accumulation would benefit from a quarterly visit.